Want to clean out but don't have the time to tag?
Let one of our Valet Tagging Helpers do it for you!

How Does Valet Tagging Work?
The program works like this:
- You have a lot of stuff you would like to sell at JBF, but don't have the time or the energy to tag yourself.
- You sign up for the program, create an account (or login to your account if you already have one), and register for the upcoming sale.
- You drop off all your items at the drop off location, whenever works best for you, with your consignor number marked on each bag/box/large item.
- Your Valet Tagging Helper will pick up your items from the drop off location and sort, prep, and tag your items. Then drop off your items back at the drop off location, ready to go to the sale.
- We will take your items to the sale and sell them for you.
- Unsold items get donated to the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (which you can get a donation receipt for your taxes if you like).
- You get a check emailed to you 10 days after the sale ends. You split the 60% profit with your Valet Tagging Helper (You get 40% and they get 20% on sold items. There is also a consignor fee of $10 and a supply fee of $5/200 items.
Sorting Items
The Valet Tagging Helper picks up your items from the drop off location and brings them home to sort clothing into sizes and outfits.
Prepares Items
The Valet Tagging Helper puts toys in bags, zip ties items together, hangs clothes on hangers, safety pins shoes together, and more to prepare your items to sell. They pull out wrong season items and "No Thank You" items that cannot sell at the upcoming sale.
Price & Tag
The Valet Tagging Helper choses a price they feel will get it to sell. They type in a description and price on our online tagging system, print and cut the tags, and attach tags to the items.
Transport & Sell
The Valet Tagging Helper will pack up and bring back the ready to sell items to the drop off location. We will then transport the tagged items to the sale and put on the sales floor. We sell them for you (you can watch the items sell online in your Consignor Profile)